Old Scholars 2020 update

Good day all,

 With the Corona Virus currently dictating most of our thoughts and actions the Old Scholars’ Association committee is aware many of the School old boys are in the high risk, vulnerable category.

The committee hope all is well as possible with you and your family in these challenging times.

The New Town High School & Tech Old Scholars’ Association Incorporated has been formally established and is now operating as a stand alone entity, of course with the continued input and support of Principal David Kilpatrick , his team and the School Association.

A copy of our ‘Constitution’ can be seen here.

You will appreciate that David , staff and students are experiencing a number of challenges to ensure students are delivered the best possible education that the Virus impacts allow.

Our Committee wishes the school community our best wishes and offers support wherever required.

While a number of events and functions are on hold the Committee is continuing to advance its objectives .

NTH&TechOSA Beer and Bite
Beer and Bite 2nd August 2019

A significant advance has been made with the Community Garden to be utilised for mentoring and social interaction. An arrangement has been made between the lessees of an old market garden in St John’s Avenue for New Town High,  Ogilvie High School and Elizabeth College to establish and operate the facility. NTHS&TechOSA  will assist with a $5000 contribution to the project.  More details will be provided in the next Newsletter.

 HALL OF EXCELLENCE nominations  for 2020 are now OPEN  and will close on 30 June . Please consider a nominee and submit a nomination. We are very proud of our 2019 recipients and know there are many more high achievers that would qualify for induction. We will rely on YOUR input to this thus ensuring committee independence. The Hall of Excellence criteria and nomination can be found here.

The MENS HEALTH PROGRAM is also impacted by  Virus and I will provide an update on alternative arrangements in the next newsletter along with information regarding this year’s DEBATE.

Other events: ( all in limbo at this stage pending Virus.)

  • May 15  5.30pm  Beer and Bite at School, incorporating the Centenary book launch
  • June 15  Committee nominations open
  • July 2     Committee Nomination close
  • July 28   6pm   Annual general meeting and Beer and Bite

We will update infor ation on these events when possible.

Please let us know any stories or information you have regarding former students, we would love to publish them. Please see attached an Old Boys’ review on renowned artist and Hall of Excellence inductee MAX ANGUS.

All the best and good health,


John Barker, President


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