Yes, it’s nearly AGM time again! The Annual General Meeting will be held at the New Town Campus of Hobart City High School at 5.15pm on Tuesday, 22nd October 2024. There will be a Special General Meeting starting at 5pm to consider a change to the constitution to provide for Continue Reading
Social Function: OHS, NTHS & Tech Old Scholars
Former Ogilvie High and New Town High and Tech students and teachers are warmly invited to a social function on Friday 24 May, 6pm to 8pm at Ogilvie Students’ Centre. Drinks and finger food will be provided and a lucky door prize and raffle conducted. The entry fee is $5.00 Proceeds Continue Reading
Ogilvie, Tech and NTHS Old Scholars: Social Event
Old Scholars, staff, parents and friends of the former Ogilvie High school, New Town High School, Hobart Technical School all welcome! Please join us for drinks and nibbles on Friday 25th August and meet the new Lead Principal of the Hobart City High School Britany Roestenburg. Britany will present her Continue Reading
President’s Message
The current president of the NTH&TOSA is Rick Cazaly (1966-1969) After leaving NTHS Rick joined the well-established Cazaly family Health & Fitness enterprise and spent several decades promoting healthy lifestyle activities across many industrial and community settings. In 2002 he was recognised for that work with the Prime Minister’s Centenary Continue Reading
Students at our school need your help!
Good day. You have not heard from us for some time but the Committee has been very busy working to establish and complement relationships with the new school communication to preserve the heritage of the school and to support the new school the NTHS and Tech Old Boys Association, while Continue Reading
Vale – Eric Clifton (Cliff) Isles
11.9.1927 – 11.3.2023‘Human beings are storied beings, traipsing life paths paved with stories.’ The story Eric Clifton Iles tells of his time at the Hobart Junior Technical School might have been published in a boys’ own almanac, might have found its way to a cinema screen. As the nonagenarian old Continue Reading
Annual General Meeting – 26 August 2022
After a quieter year due to COVID restrictions, the AGM for New Town High and Tech Old Scholars’ Association is to be held at Hobart City High School, New Town Campus on Friday 26 August 2022 at 5.00pm. We look forward to your attendance and involvement to make next year Continue Reading
Urban Garden Project – December 2021
As you may have previously read, the school and Old Scholars have developed an Urban Garden opposite St John’s Church in New Town. The plot had been a garden before, however it had been left unattended for some time. Weeds had taken over and the watering system was badly in Continue Reading
School Reunions – is yours next?
The New Town High & Tech Old Scholars Association is promoting 25 and 50 year annual Reunions of boys leaving the school. This year it’s the 1971 leavers who will meet up on 13th November at the school and then catch up to reminisce about the ‘good old days’. Next Continue Reading
Working Bee – can you help?
We are having a working bee at the garden project on Saturday 6th November from 10am to 2pm. The garden is at St John’s Avenue – opposite the church. The aim is to finish installing the watering system and repairs to the greenhouse. It will help if you can bring Continue Reading