Old Scholars, staff, parents and friends of the former Ogilvie High school, New Town High School, Hobart Technical School all welcome!
Please join us for drinks and nibbles on Friday 25th August and meet the new Lead Principal of the Hobart City High School Britany Roestenburg. Britany will present her vision for the now co-ed school with its twin campuses of OGILVIE and NEW TOWN and how that arrangement will work.

This a great opportunity to catch up with former teachers, school mates and maybe even some old flames from the past!!!
We will enjoy catering prepared by current students and hear their thoughts on the new co-ed arrangements!
Please share this with your old friends from school.
What: Ogilvie, Tech and New Town High Get Together. (Partners Welcome!)
When: Friday 25th August 6PM
Where: Assembly Hall, NTHS
Donation: $5 on entry includes: Lucky Door Prize & catering. (drinks available at the bar)
RSVP: for catering – please RSVP by email to Alec Young akyoung5@bigpond.net.au
A ‘BONUS lucky door prize number’ will be assigned to each attendee who RSVPs.