The school’s Urban Garden Project continues to take shape, thanks to Rick Cazaly, Wayne Fletcher and their energetic team.
Only recently a paddock of weeds, there are now plants and vegetables growing in freshly cultivated soil.
The garden, opposite St John’s Church, New Town is being used to teach students about food and nutrition.

Most of the heavy work has now been done, so if you like gardening, rather than just digging in the winter, please know that you are welcome to join in.
In particular we could do with some irrigation assistance. The garden has some underground piping which needs some repairs and sorting out. So if you know about this area please contact Rick Cazaly on 0438 215 795.
Media mention
The garden project was the subject of a 6 minute long conversation between Principal Dave Kilpatrick and old boy and gardening guru Tino Carnevale on ABC Radio recently. Tino has accepted Dave’s invitation to come and have a look, and no doubt suggest a few varieties of plants for the garden.

A big thanks to Rick Cazaly, Richard Lennard, David Stephen, Neville Rayner and Wayne Fletcher for all their help. Also to Mike Hodgson for the wonderful rotary hoe, and the other OBs who have donated various tools and equipment to the project.
Because of this generosity, this project is really looking good.
Spare time? Why not get involved?
If you have some spare time during the week, and would like to get involved, there is room for mentoring and helping with the garden.
As Rick will confirm, the heavy work has all been done – well most of it.
Contact Rick for more info on 0438 215 795.