Planting, watering and weeding have been the order of the day at the Urban Food Project at St John’s Avenue.
Some more Old Scholars have been joining regulars Rick Cazaly, Wayne Fletcher and John Lennard, under the very experience eye of garden guru David Stephen.

Dr Mike Hodgson kindly donated a Masport Shredder to the project. This is in addition to the rotary hoe he has kindly given. These pieces of equipment make a great contribution and confirm that the garden has the support of the wider school community.

On Friday the 27th the garden was busy with students and mentors. A special moment was when the students sang ‘Happy Birthday’to David Stephen who turned 80.

The students set up a new garden bed and planted tomatoes donated by Ogilvie High School. Good to see Ogilvie keen to be involved in the garden.
The Garden needs your help!
The Old Scholars agreed to support the garden project with proceeds from our Beer and Chat evenings. This was to help offset the rental of the garden from KickStartArts.
Sadly, due to COVID, we haven’t been able to hold the social functions.
If you can donate some spare cash, it would be greatly appreciated. Please donate via BSB 037 005 and Account 217654 and use the reference “Garden – Your Name”.