NTHOSA Inc – Proposed Changes to Constitution

New Town High & Tech Old Scholar Association
(NTH & Tech OSA) Ins



1. Name of Association 1

2.     Interpretation…………………………………………………….1

3. Association’s office 1

4 Objects and purposes of Association 1

5. Membership of Association 1

6. Liability of members 2

7. Income and property of Association 2

8 Accounts of receipts and expenditure 2

9. Banking and finance 2

10. Auditor 2

11. Audit of accounts 2

12. Annual general meeting 3

13. Special general meetings 3

14. Notices of annual general meetings 3

15. Business and quorum at general meetings 4

16. Chairperson at general meetings 4

17 Determination of questions arising at meetings 4

18     Votes………………………………………………………………..4

19. Association to be managed by a committee 4

20. Officers of the Association 4

21. Constitution of the committee 4

22 Election of numbers of committee 4

23. Vacation of office 4

24. Meetings of the committee 5

25. Disclosure of interests 5

26 Annual subscription 5

27. Service of notices and requisitions 5

28. Expulsion of members 5

29 Disputes 5

30. Seal of Association 5

2.  interpretation

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires

Accounting records has the same meaning as in the Act

Act means the Associations lncorporation Act 1964 (Tas)

Annual general meeting means an annual general meeting of the Association held under rule 11;

Association means the association referred to in rule 1;

Association has the same meaning as in the Act

Auditor means the person appointed as the auditor of the Association under rule 9;

Authorised deposit-taking institution means a body corporate that is an authorised deposit taking

institution for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 of the Commonwealth;

Committee means the committee of management referred to in rule 18

Financial year has the same meaning as in the Act;

General meeting means

. an annual general meeting or;

. a special general meeting

Objects of the Association means the objects in rule 3

Officer of the Association means a person elected as an officer of the Association at an annual

general meeting or appointed as an officer of the Association under rule 19

Ordinary business at an annual general meeting means the business specified in rule 11(5);

Ordinary committee member means a member of the committee other than an office of the


Public officer means the person who is, under section 14 of the Act, the public officer of the


Special general meeting means a special general meeting of the Association convened under rule

12; special resolution has the same meaning as in the Act.

3 Name of Association

New Town High and Tech Old Scholar Association (NTH&TechOSA)

3.Association’s office

The office shall be at Hobart City High School, New Town  Campus, Midwood Street, New Town, or any other place the committee may determine.

4.Objects and purposes of Association

The objects and purposes are;

  1. To establish an old scholars association with membership from former students, teachers and staff of  Hobart Junior Technical School,  Hobart Technical High School, New Town High School and Hobart City High School and former and current teachers and staff of those schools;
  1. To foster relationships between the School Association and the School, and
  2. To support and organise social, educational, recreational opportunities, functions and entertainment for members, and
  3. To acknowledge outstanding achievements of former students and staff, and
  4. To provide and participate in mentoring current students of Hobart City High School, and
  5. Any other matters the Committee determine.

5.Membership of Association

(1)To be any person who was a former student, teacher or staff  of Hobart Junior Technical School, Hobart Technical High School, New Town High School, Ogilvie High School and Hobart City High School   

(2) Subject to any policy a membership fee may be requested.

(3) A person

  1. becomes a member of the Association when his or her name is entered in the register of members, and
  2. ceases to be a member of the Association when his or her name is removed from the register of members.

6.Liability of members

  1. Any right, privilege or obligation of a person as a member of the Association
    1. is not capable of being transferred to another person, and
    2. terminates when the person ceases to be a member of the Association.

(2) If the Association is wound up, each person who was, immediately before the Association is wound up, a member of the Association, and each person who was a member of the Association within 12 months immediately preceding the commencement of the winding up, is liable to contribute to the assets of the Association for payment of the liabilities of the Association, and

  1. for the costs, charges and expenses of the winding up, and
  2. for the adjustment of the rights of the contributors among themselves.


Any liability under subrule (2) is not to exceed $5

  1. Income and property of Association
  1. The assets and income of the Association shall be applied solely in furtherance of its objects.
  2. In the event of the organisation being dissolved, the amount that remains after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to another organisation as the committee determines.
  3. The Association may pay a person or member of the Association as the committee determines.
  4. Accounts of receipts and expenditure
  5. True accounts are to be kept of;
  1. each receipt or payment of money by the Association and the matter in respect of which the money was received or paid, and
  2. each asset or liability of the Association.
  1. The accounts are to be open to inspection by the members of the Association at any reasonable time, and in any reasonable manner, determined by the committee.
  2. The treasurer of the Association or a nominee is to keep all accounting books, and general records and records of receipts and payments, connected with the business of the Association in the form and manner the committee determines.
  3. The accounts, books and records are to be kept at any place the committee determines.

(9 )Banking and finance

  1. The treasurer of the Association or a nominee is to;
    1. receive any money paid to the Association, and
    2. immediately after receiving the money issue an official receipt, and
    3. pay the money into the Association account as soon as practicable.
  2. The committee is to open an account as the committee determines with a ‘bank’ in the name of the Association.
  3. The Treasurer and the Committee shall from time to time agree the method of payments and receipts, including petty cash.

(10) Auditor

  1. At each annual general meeting (or as soon as practicable afterwards) the members present shall appoint an auditor.
  2. The auditor may only be removed from office by special resolution.
  3. If a casual vacancy occurs in the office of auditor, the committee shall appoint a temporary auditor.

(11)Audit of accounts

  1. The auditor is to audit the financial affairs of the Association at least once in each financial year of the Association.
  2. The auditor, after auditing the financial affairs of the Association for a particular financial year of the Association, is to;
  1. certify the correctness of the accounts, and
  2. at the next annual general meeting, provide a written report to the members.
  3. In the report and in certifying to the accounts, the auditor is to state;
  1. if the accounts exhibit a true and correct view of the financial position of the Association. and
  2. whether the rules relating to the administration of the funds of the Association have been observed.
  1. The public officer is to deliver to the auditor a complete set of accounts of the Association.
  2. The auditor may undertake any special queries as the committee determines appropriate.

(12)Annual general meeting

  1. The Association is to hold an annual general meeting each year.
  2. An annual general meeting is to be held on any day (being not later than 3 months after the end of the financial year of the Association) the committee determines.
  3. An annual general meeting is to be in addition to any other general meeting that may be held in the same year.
  4. The notice convening an annual general meeting is to specify the purpose of the meeting.
  5. The ordinary business of an annual general meeting is to be as follows:
  1. to confirm the minutes of the last preceding annual general meeting and of any general meeting held since that meeting, and
  2. to receive reports from the President, auditor and other persons acting on behalf of the Association, and
  3. to elect the officers and the committee, and
  4. to appoint the auditor and determine remuneration
  1. An annual general meeting may transact business of which notice is given in accordance with rule 13.
  2. Minutes of proceedings of an annual general meeting are to be kept 

(13)Special general meetings

  1. The committee may convene a special general meeting of the Association at any time.
  2. The committee, on the requisition in writing of at least 10 members of the Association, is to convene a special general meeting of the Association.
  3. A requisition for a special general meeting;
  1. is to state the objects of the meeting, and
  2. is to be signed by each requisitionists, and
  3. is to be deposited at the office of the Association, and
  4. may consist of several documents, each signed by one or more of the requisitionists.
  1. If the committee does not cause a special general meeting to be held within 21 days after the day on which a requisition is deposited at the office of the Association, any one or more of the requisitionists may convene the meeting within 3 months after the day on which the requisition is deposited at the office of the Association.
  2. A special general meeting convened by requisitionists is to be convened in the same manner, as nearly as practicable, as the manner in which a special general meeting would be convened by the committee.
  3. All reasonable expenses incurred by requisitionists in convening a special general meeting are to be refunded by the Association.

(14)Notices of annual general meetings

  1. At least 21 days before the day on which a annual general meeting of the Association is to be held, the public officer is to publish a notice specifying;
  1. the place, day and time at which the meeting is to be held, and
  2. the nature of the business that is to be transacted at the meeting.
  3. A notice is published for the purposes of subrule (1) if the notice;
    1. is contained in an advertisement appearing in at least one newspaper circulating in Tasmania, or
    2. appears on a website, or at an electronic address, of the Association, or
    3. is sent to each member of the Association, at
  1. the members postal or residential address or address of business or employment, or
  2. an e-mail address that the member has nominated, or
  3. is given by another means reasonably likely to ensure that the members of the Association will be notified of the notice.

(15)Business and quorum at general meetings

  1. All business transacted at a general meeting, other than the ordinary business of an annual general meeting, is special business.
  2. Business is not to be transacted at a general meeting unless a quorum of members of the Association entitled to vote is present at the time when the meeting considers that business.
  3. A quorum for the transaction of the business of a general meeting is 5 members of the Association entitled to vote.
  4. If a quorum is not present within one hour after the time appointed for the commencement of a general meeting, the meeting;
  1. if convened on the requisition of members of the Association, is dissolved, or
  2. if convened by the committee, is to be adjourned to any day or place, and by notice in a manner determined by the chairperson
  3. If at an adjourned general meeting a quorum is not present within one hour after the time appointed for the commencement of the meeting, the meeting is dissolved.

(16)Chairperson at general meetings

At each general meeting of the Association, the chairperson is to be the president, the vice president, or member of the Association elected to preside by the members present.

(17)Determination of questions arising at meetings

  1. A question arising is to be determined on a show of hands and recorded in the minute book.


  1. A member has one vote only.
  2. In the case of an equality of votes, the chairperson has the casting vote.
  3. Association to be managed by a committee
  4. The Association is to be managed by a committee who control and manage the business and affairs of the Association.

20.Officers of the Association

  1. The officers of the Association are; 
    1. the president,
    2. one vice president,
    3. the treasurer,
    4. the secretary, 
    5. the public officer (may be one of the officers).
  2. Each officer holds office until the end of the next annual general meeting and is eligible for re-election.
  3. If a casual vacancy occurs, the committee may appoint a member to fill the vacancy until the end of the next annual general meeting.

(21)Constitution of the committee

  1. The committee consists of no more than 7 members.
  2. The Committee shall hold office until the end of the next annual general meeting.
  3. If a casual vacancy occurs, the committee may appoint a member to fill the vacancy

(22).Election of numbers of committee

  1. The nomination of a candidate for election as is to be;
  1. made in writing, signed by 2 members of the Association and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate, and
  2. delivered to the public officer at least 21 days before the day on which the annual general meeting is to be held.
  3. If insufficient nominations are received to fill all vacancies on the committee;
  1. the candidates nominated are taken to be elected, and
  2. further nominations are to be received at the annual general meeting, and
  3. the election of officers of the Association and ordinary committee members is to be conducted at the annual general meeting in the manner determined by the committee.

23.Vacation of office

For the purpose of these rules, the office of an officer of the Association, or of an ordinary committee member, becomes casually vacant if the officer or committee member

  1. dies, or
  2. resigns office in writing, or
  3. ceases to be reside in Tasmania, or
  4. is absent from 3 consecutive meetings of the committee without the consent of the committee, or
  5. fails to pay, within 14 days after receiving a notice in writing signed by the public officer, all such amounts due and payable.

24.Meetings of the committee

  1. The committee should aim to meet monthly.
  2. A quorum is 5 members of the committee.
  3. Business is not to be transacted at a meeting of the committee unless a quorum is present.
  4. If a quorum is not present within half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting, it shall be adjourned to any day or place, and by notice in a manner determined by the chairperson.
  5. At each meeting, the chairperson is to be the president, the senior vice president, or member of the Association elected to preside by the members present.

25Disclosure of interests

  1. A member shall declare a pecuniary interest in a matter being considered, and the committee shall decide the appropriate action.

26.Annual subscription

  1. An annual subscription subject to any policy  may be payable by members .
  2. If an annual subscription is due it is to be payable on the first day of the financial year.
  3. If a member does not pay their annual subscription within 3 months, or after notice in writing from the public officer, they may be removed from the register of members.

27 Service of notices and requisitions

Except as otherwise provided by these rules, a document may be served on a person by;

  1. giving it to the person, or
  2. leaving it at, or sending it by post to, the persons postal or residential address or place or address of business or employment, or
  3. e-mailing it.
  4. Expulsion of members
  1. The committee may expel a member from the Association if the committee find the member guilty of conduct detrimental to the interests of the Association.
  2. The member has a right of appeal.
  3. Expelled members shall be notified in writing.
  4. Disputes

A dispute between a member and the Association is to be determined by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the commercial Arbitration Act 2011.

  1. Seal of Association
  1. The seal of the Association is to be in the form of a rubber stamp inscribed with the name of the Association encircling the word “Seal”.
  2. The seal is not to be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of the committee.
  3. The affixing of the seal is to be attested by the signatures of two officers of the Association.

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